Saturday, January 25, 2020

Factors Influencing Static Electricity

Factors Influencing Static Electricity Abstract The purpose of this experiment is to understand the magnitude of static electricity and the factors influencing it. The importance of this study can be linked to climate, technological advances, and improving existing inventions or creating new inventions. The fascination with static electricity motivated me to understand what static electricity is, in order to further my knowledge and flawlessly explain the science of lightning. Static electricity is the imbalance of electric charge which produces a small spark, therefore on a much larger scale, lightning in a thunderstorm is the result of the separation of protons and electrons. For my experiment, I created an electroscope using a glass jar with a plastic lid, a paperclip holding two small pieces of aluminum foil and tape securing the paperclip. I used 3 balloons of different sizes, small, medium, and large and rubbed it on my hair to separate charges, then I brought the balloon closer to the electroscope and the aluminum  foil then repelled from the other piece of aluminum; this successfully conveyed  that there was a separation of charge on the balloon from rubbing it on my hair. I repeated this experiment with the next 2 balloons and recorded my results. To decrease the likelihood of failure, I did 2 more trials; the results I came across supported my original hypothesis which stated that the bigger the material, the greater amount of electric   ch arge, and after conducting the experiment 2 more times with each different size of material, my hypothesis still was proved to be accurate. Upon proving the hypothesis to be true, I then concluded that the magnitude of lightning must have extreme strength considering the large scale damage it can do, and the fascination continued as I felt as though the science behind lightning was now between my very fingertips. To conclude, my experiment has taught me about the science of static electricity, the different ways we can separate charges in order to induce a shock, and how it can be related and interconnected with climate. This field of study has extreme significance and I am confident that the use of static electricity will grow, such as the use of static electricity in printers and photocopiers has already been implemented. For the next experiment I conduct, I would like to test the different influences other factors have on static electricity, such as the type of materials tested, the effects of the environment where the experiment takes place, or the significance of climate regarding static electricity. Introduction fI have always been fascinated with electric charge, static electricity, and the effects of friction. The fascination with science and its relationship to static  electricity and climate leaves me wondering what causes static electricity, how it is produced, and what are the factors that create a higher magnitude of static electricity. The main reason I am motivated to do this experiment is due to the fact that the world is advancing technologically each and every  day. In my opinion the incorporation of static electricity into common  applications is a very important subject to study; especially considering the amazing capabilities, and future advancements, of printers, photocopiers. I have many un-answered questions about the science of static electricity and the various factors that influence it. The topic of static electricity raises interesting points and thought provoking questions, I would like to answer a few such as; how does static electricity relate to lightning? What is the effect of size and temperature on static electricity? And, is static electricity necessary for life on Earth? + The purpose of this experiment is to examine the difference in magnitude of  static electricity, using several materials of different sizes. Testing the different materials will then lead me to understand the factors that may influence the strength of electric charges, and how it could relate to climate. +Hypothesis: I think that the size of an object is ther essential factor affecting  the magnitude of static electricity, that is, the bigger the material, the  greater magnitude Indicatevariables Manipulated  variable :Size of the material testing balloons Responding  variable:  Amount of static electricity Constants:  The types of materials, number of times each balloon is rubbed, and the temperature in the room the experiment will be conducted in. Research Static electricity is an imbalance of electric charges, and is generated by the separation of positive charges and negative charges. Therefore, when two different materials are within contact, the electrons can move from one material to the next when then leaves a surplus of positive charge on the other material, this consequently creates static electricity. Static electricity may be produced by friction and create a spark; however friction does not create it, but rather the transfer of electrons will create the static charge. All materials, people, and objects contain atoms. Atoms possess a nucleus which consist of protons and neutrons, whereas the electrons are outside of the nucleus. Objects and materials are usually neutrally charged as there is an equal number of protons and electronshowever if there is an imbalance between the  electric charges induced by contact, static electricity will generate. Static electricity can also be generated through various ways, such as when putting ceramics under pressure or heat. One can also separate charges by positioning a charged object   near a neutral object. This results in the charges of the neutral object repelling the same polarity as the charged object while the charged object will be attracted to the opposite polarity, which then causes the neutral object to have an unequal amount of charge. Discovering the different ways to separate charges increases my motivation to understand the factors that affect the magnitude of static electricity. The transfer of electrons onto a different material and having an imbalance between charges will result in static electricity, however I would like to understand the  relationship between polarity and size. My entire experiment is based on the many factors that could possibly influence the degree of static electricity. I am using the factors that could possibly affect static electricity as my foundation because static  electricity is vital to human existence, and important.                    . Hypothesis Based on my research, I think that the size of an object is the significant factor affecting the strength of static electricity, in other words, the larger the material, the greater the magnitude. Research that I have conducted has helped me discover the science behind lightning, which reenforces my hypothesis of larger  materials or objects that hold electric charge having greater strength because of how strong lightning is. Lightning is essentially static electricity on a bigger scale. Procedure Materials Glass jar Plastic lid Tape Aluminum foil Paper clip Balloons Ruler Variables o Manipulated variable- For this experiment, the size of each balloon will be manipulated. o Respondingvariable The magnitude of static electricity observable from the  foil repels.   o Constants Types of material, number of times each balloon is rubbed, and the temperature of the environment that the experiment will be conducted in. Stepbystep 1. Inflate 3 balloons of different sizes; small, medium, and large 2. Straighten   the paper clip out, then create a shape with a center circle with two hooks attached to it 3. Make a small opening in the middle of the plastic lid 4. Place the paper clip in the opening with the center circle sticking out from the top, and the hooks at the bottom, then secure it with tape 5. Cut two small pieces of aluminum foil of equal size, then make a small hole in the end of each strip 6. Attach the strips of foil onto the hooks of the paperclip 7. Now we have an electroscope and its time for the experiment to be conducted, create a data chart to record trials and measurements 8. Grab the small balloon, and rub it on your hair 10 times, then take the balloon and get close to the top of the electroscope, the foil should then move apart; this conveys that there is a separation of charges. 9. Measure the distance between the aluminum foil in the data chart 10. Repeat step 8 with the next two balloons and record the results to compare the strength of static electricity 11. Complete 2 more trials for each size of the balloons Results Observations Small balloon 0.7 inches Medium balloon 1inch Large balloon 1.2 inches Conclusion Based on the results of this experiment, the hypothesis that   the bigger the material is, the stronger the magnitude, is proven to be true. The small balloon on  each trial has the smallest distance between the 2 strips of aluminum foil, and the  large balloon has the largest distance. This correlation supports my original  chypothesis and can therefore expand my knowledge of static electricity and apply  Q-:it to wider scales. This study has extreme significance as it can be applied to  creating new inventions with the use of static electricity, explaining climate, and  understanding the different strengths of static electricity and its uses. On a personal interest, I believe the fascination with this topic is because of how   powerful lightning can be, and how it can be conducted from my very fingertips. The purpose of this project for me is to understand the science behind lightning  learned the details of static electricity, why we feel a shock when there is an imbalance of charges, and the different ways to separate charges. For next time, I would like to experiment with varying materials rather than different sizes, and possibly change small details such as, number of rubs per material, number of trials, and trying to experiment in different temperatures. Bibliography Hanania, Jordan, Kailyn Stenhouse, and Jason Donev. Static electricity. Static electricity-EnergyEducation.N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Jan. 2017. . How does static electricity work? Howdoesstaticelectricitywork?{Everyday Mysteries: FunScienceFactsfrom theLibraryofCongress).N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Jan. 2017. . What Is Static Electricity? LiveScience.Purch, n.d. Web. 10 Jan. 2017. .                 Ã‚  

Friday, January 17, 2020


Choose one of the following project menu options to work on with your team. Be prepared to provide your second and third choice of project. The rubric that will be used to grade the finished product is also Included to gulled you in completing your project. The project will be due in class on Monday, October 20 and pre-checked on October 17, Friday. Options 1 and 2 Create a 3-D model of a Eukaryotic Cell belonging too Plant (option 1) or Animal (option 2). Length and height are not shorter than 8. Depth is not shorter than . . Your model must include all of the basic parts of the cell you choose as well as all organelles. In addition, you must label or provide a key to all parts and organelles so that they are clearly identifiable. You also need to include a written explanation of what organelles are represented and why you chose the materials you did to make each organelle or cell part. Recommended materials include (but are not limited to) non-perishables such as Styrofoam, wood, c ardboard, plastic, pasta, beans, etc.Your finished product may be freestanding but stable. Critical thinking and creativity are required Options 3 and 4 Design and create a movie (option 3) or cartoon storyboard (option 4) that depicts the adventures of an explorer Inside a cell. Choose one of the two types of Eukaryotic Cells Plant or Animal. Your storyboard should be Illustrated using color and should be presented on pasteboard. In Dalton to illustrations, you need to Include detailed descriptions of what is going on in each picture.You can be creative but remember that you must focus on how the cell parts and organelle function as your explorer experiences or interacts with them. Creativity and humor are encouraged Options 5 and 6 Design a travel brochure that describes a cell as though it were a large exhibit, attraction, an amusement park, cruise ship, or any other self-contained location with lots to do and lots of activities going on inside. Choose one of the two major types of Eukaryotic Cells Plant (option 5)or Animal (option 6).You must create an analogy for all of the parts and organelles found in the cell type that you choose, making sure that your analogies are relevant to the location. (Example If a cell Is Like an amusement park, then the nucleus might be the park headquarters, etc. ) In your brochure, you will draw, describe, and explain the functions of cell parts and organelles. You may use gained cutouts or pictures from the Internet as long as they are clear and accurate.Make sure your brochure is eye catching and interesting, colorful but informative Humor and creativity are required. Options 7 Choreograph and perform an original song or dance that depicts all the organelles and functions of each organelle. It is strongly suggested that you stick a label to identify the organelle you are depicting in the song/dance. If you decide to make more than one scene/act, provide a way to communicate this to the audience. The dance should not be lon ger than 3 minutes and not shorter than 1. 5 minutes. Record this on video.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Objective Case in English

In English grammar, objective case is the case of a pronoun when it functions as one of the following: the direct or indirect object of a verb or verbalthe object of a prepositionthe subject of an infinitivean appositive to an object The objective (or accusative) forms of English pronouns are me, us, you, him, her, it, them, whom and whomever. (Note that you and it have the same forms in the subjective case.) The objective case is also known as the accusative case. Examples of Objective Case This land is your land, this land is my land,From California to the New York island;From the redwood forest to the Gulf Stream waters,This land was made for you and me.(Woody Guthrie, This Land Is Your Land, 1940)Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. . . .(Emma Lazarus, The New Colossus, 1883)Please dont eat me. I have a wife and kids. Eat them.(Homer Simpson, The Simpsons)And I think both the left and the right should celebrate people who have different opinions, and disagree with them, and argue with them, and differ with them, but dont just try to shut them up.(Roger Ebert)The listeners decide whether they like us, believe us, trust us, and perceive whether we are secure in ourselves and confident in what we are saying.(Kevin Daley and Laura Daley-Caravella, Talk Your Way to the Top, 2004)I cant liveWith or without you.(U2, With or Without You. The Joshua Tree, 1987)She rushed across the room at him, thick legs pumping, knees flexing, elbows c hopping back and forth in the stale sickroom air like pistons.(Stephen King, Misery, 1987)Cousin Matthew talked with his wife for a time about what had happened to him and to her during his absence.(Sarah Orne Jewett, Lady Ferry)To survive in this world, we hold close to us those people on whom we depend. We trust in them our hopes, our fears.(Mohinder Suresh, Heroes, 2008)The man for whom time stretches out painfully is one waiting in vain, disappointed at not finding tomorrow already continuing yesterday.(Theodor Adorno, Minima Moralia: Reflections on a Damaged Life. Translation published by New Left Books, 1974)The strongest influences in my life and my work are always whomever I love. Whomever I love and am with most of the time, or whomever I remember most vividly. I think thats true of everyone, dont you?(Tennessee Williams, interview with Joanne Stang. The New York Times, March 28, 1965) Correction Mr. Cameron’s first visit to Washington as prime minister was meant as a way for he and Mr. Obama to tackle a series of issues vital to the two countries, in particular the war in Afghanistan and steps toward a global economic recovery.As many readers were quick to point out, this should be for him and Mr. Obama to tackle. (The subject of an infinitive in a construction like this is actually in the objective, or accusative, case: I want him to go, not I want he to go.)(Philip B. Corbett, Everything Old Is Hip Again. The New York Times, Sep. 7, 2010) A Handful of Pronouns In Present-day English the contrast between nominative [subjective] and accusative [objective] is found with only a handful of pronouns. At earlier stages of the language the contrast applied to the whole class of nouns but the inflectional distinction has been lost except for these few pronouns.(Rodney Huddleston and Geoffrey K. Pullum, The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. Cambridge University Press, 2002) The Lighter Side of the Objective Case: The Death of Me I have been planning a piece on personal pronouns and the death of the  accusative. Nobody says, I gave it to they, but me is almost dead, and I have heard its dying screams from Bermuda to Columbus: He gave it to Janey and I.(James Thurber, letter to literary critic Lewis Gannett. Selected Letters of James Thurber, ed. by Helen Thurber and Edward Weeks. Little, Brown, 1981)Cheers,† she said as I left, â€Å"and dont forget  youre seeing Matt and I  on Monday.I thought for a moment shed said matineye, an East End  pronunciation of matinee. Was I meant to review it?Then I remembered Matt was the production editor.Me wont forget, me muttered as me went downstairs.(Sebastian Faulks, Engleby. Doubleday, 2007)Excuse me, he said, but is any of you gentlemen named—he stared at the envelope—Gervase Fen?Me, said Fen ungrammatically.(Edmund Crispin [Bruce Montgomery], Holy Disorders, 1945) Pronunciation: ob-JEK-tiv case

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Reducing the Effects of Climate Change - 590 Words

TOPIC: Urgent measures need to be taken to protect our environment from the effects of climate change. Do you agree? Reducing climate change to protect our environment. Around the globe, seasons are shifting, temperatures are climbing and sea levels are rising. And meanwhile, our planet must still supply us with air, water, food and safe places to live. Climate change will rapidly alter the lands and waters we all depend upon for survival, leaving our children and grandchildren with a very different world. This essay will argue that climate change is affecting the environment and it can be reduced. Firstly it will explain the effects of climate change in the environment. Then it will suggest ways in which climate change can be reduced. Firstly, one of the effects of climate change is changing temperatures.Heat-trapping gases emitted by power plants, vehicles, deforestation and other sources are warming up the planet which means the weather around the world will change. For example, summers will get hotter and winters too. The effects of temperature change will be different, some places will become more hot and really dry and others more colder and wet. More storms, floods, and drought will occur. Secondly, Sea levels are rising as the Earth heats up. As the Earth gets hotter, colder places get warmer and glaciers melt. This makes more fresh water flow into the ocean causing the sea levels to rise. Rising sea levels threaten low lying areas and islands, threaten coastalShow MoreRelatedClimate Change Is A Change Of Weather Patterns That Lasts For A Long Duration Essay1372 Words   |  6 PagesClimate Change is a change of weather patterns that lasts for a long duration. Climate change can be caused by the ‘greenhouse effect’. Humans create greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels, electricity production and more. These gases trap the sun’s heat in the atmosphere and increase the earth’s overall temperature. 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